Call for applications to the WSC

The LACIGF Multi-Stakeholder Committee called on all interested persons to apply to serve on the Workshop Selection Committee.

The Workshop Selection Committee (CST) is responsible for selecting the workshops that will be held each year as part of the LACIGF annual event agenda.

The CST is made up of 12 people, 3 for each sector (technical community, civil society, private sector, government), who may apply openly, and will be selected by the Multi-Stakeholder Committee (CMPI) taking into account the following criteria:

  • Diversity: the CST is expected to be made up of people from different sectors, countries, and genders.
  • Experience: the people who belong to the committee must know and have participated in internet governance processes in the region.

The CST must renew 1/3 of its composition annually, its members will serve for 3 consecutive years.

For the first selection, 12 candidates will be chosen, 3 for each sector.

To comply with the 1/3 annual rotation rule, the vote obtained by the representatives of each sector will be taken into account, in such a way that the representative with the most votes will serve a term of 3 years, the second a term of 2 years and the third a term of one year.

The specific powers and responsibilities of the Workshop Selection Committee can be consulted in the statutes available at

Applications to join the CST were open until March 24, 2024.