
The Workshop Selection Committee (CST) is responsible for selecting the workshops that will be held each year as part of the LACIGF annual event agenda.

The CST is made up of 12 people, 3 from each sector: technical community, civil society, private sector, government, who are selected by the Multi-Stakeholder Committee (CMPI)

This committee arises from the statutes defined in 2021 and is formed for the first time in 2024 after an open call from which a diverse, multi-sector group of different nationalities is defined, as follows:

Technical community:

Raquel Gatto. (Brazil, 2024 to 2026)

Carmen Díaz Novelo. Autonomous University of Yucatán (Mexico, 2024 to 2025)

Roberto Zambrana. IGF Bolivia (Bolivia, 2024)

Private sector:

Patricia Falconí Castillo. Association of Telecommunications Companies – Asetel (Ecuador, 2024 to 2026)

German Lopez. Colombian Chamber of Informatics and Telecommunications – CCIT (Colombia, 2024 to 2025)

Luis Mauricio Torres Alcocer. Center for Telecommunications Studies of Latin America ( (Mexico, 2024)

Civil society:

Pilar Saenz. Karisma Foundation (Colombia, 2024 to 2026)

Fiorella Ferrari Lavalle. Hiperderecho (Peru, 2024 to 2025)

Maricarmen Sequera. TEDIC (Paraguay, 2024)


Olga Cavalli. Faculty of National Defense of Argentina (Argentina, 2024 to 2026)

Johana Obando Bonilla. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica (Costa Rica, 2024 to 2025)

Maria Camila Rojas Azula. MINTIC (Colombia, 2024)