Powers and Responsibilities

The Workshop Selection Committee is responsible for selecting the workshops to be held each year as part of the LACIGF annual event agenda.

The main responsibility of Workshop Selection Committee members is to safeguard the interests of LACIGF based on their respective responsibility, placing the interests of LACIGF above those of the specific groups they represent.

Additionaly, the responsibilities of the Workshop Selection Committee include but are not limited to:

a) Preparing the calls for workshop proposals in coordination with the Multistakeholder Committee and the Secretariat, based on the general topics included in the annual agenda defined by the Multistakeholder Committee.
b) Preparing, with the support of the Secretariat, guides to help those interested in submitting workshop proposals.
c) Defining mechanisms to evaluate the proposals that are received.
d) Conducting the evaluations and selecting the workshops to be carried out, in accordance with the established criteria and in thematic coordination with the Multistakeholder Committee.
e) Requesting adjustments to the proposals when necessary and evaluating the adjustments made by the proponents. The requirements may include the request for the combination and/orunification of different proposals.
f) Communicating the results of the selection in coordination with the Secretariat.