Workshop application form

Application form for sessions 17 LACIGF 2024


It is important to keep in mind that this form does not automatically save the answers, so we recommend downloading the pdf version and working on the texts in a separate document, then filling out and sending the form. Download the form in PDF here.You can also download the guide to fill out the form

Fields marked with (*) are required

Select the topic to which your proposal corresponds
State the objectives of the session, including the public policy issues you will address with respect to the topic. Up to 600 characters
Up to 600 characters
You can see the type of session and the minimum number of participants suggested in the text of the call for papers. Please take this into account when filling out the participant information.

Related Diversity Aspects. Select maximum 3 options (*)

Select maximum 3 options
Up to 600 characters
Up to 600 characters
Up to 600 characters

Does the proposal come from an intersessional working group, NRI or other group in the Internet Governance ecosystem? (*)

Yes, if the proposal comes from an inter-sessional working group, national Internet governance initiative, Internet governance thematic initiative, or other Internet Governance ecosystem group.


Write the name and surname of the proposer, who will also be the main contact person with LACIGF.
Organization to which he/she belongs
This will be the main contact email for any communication regarding the proposal.
Include country code

Co-proponent (not required)

Organization to which belong
This will be the secondary contact email for any communication regarding the proposal
Include country code

Other proposers

If there are other individuals or organizations involved in the proposal design, please record them in this field with their name and organization.


Must include a minimum of 2 participants per session (rapporteur and one other). Please refer to the text of the call for sessions for the minimum number of participants suggested per session. In the form you can include up to 8 participants including moderator and rapporteur.

  • All sessions require a rapporteur
  • Some session types require a moderator
  • All session types require at least one speaker or facilitator
  • Refer to the call for suggested participants for each session type

Participant 1

Organization to which belong

Do you belong to a vulnerable population? (*)

Do you require any disability support (*)

This email will be used to confirm participation in the session by the Secretariat.
Include country code
Up to 600 characters

Confirmed or Not confirmed? (*)

Indicate if the person is confirmed to participate in the session.

Attendance or virtual participation (*)

Check if the person will be in person or virtually in the session. Remember that at least the person moderating and one of the speakers or facilitators must be in person at the event, otherwise the session will be dropped.

Participant 2

Organization to which belong

Do you belong to a vulnerable population? (*)

Do you require any disability support (*)

This email will be used to confirm participation in the session by the Secretariat.
Include country code
Up to 600 characters

Confirmed or Not confirmed? (*)

Indicate if the person is confirmed to participate in the session.

Attendance or virtual participation (*)

Check if the person will be in person or virtually in the session. Remember that at least the person moderating and one of the speakers or facilitators must be in person at the event, otherwise the session will be dropped.